


As human beings sharing this planet, the core question we live with is how are we possibly going to move towards a sustainable future?



It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed by the crushing evidence of climate change, poverty and injustice. It’s ok to be angry that our most influential leaders and companies just aren’t listening. You aren’t alone if the word sustainability makes you feel anxious and guilty. Fear is used to motivate us into living more sustainably, but it’s not working.

We were fed up with feeling limited by the negative emotions and cynical narrative surrounding sustainable development, so we’re changing the conversation.

Unsustain this is a platform for good. Our strategy is simple: share positive stories to inspire real change. Unsustain This showcases those entrepreneurs, businesses and thought leaders who are working towards achieving the global goals set out by the United Nations.

These are the real heroes, those who stand for something more than profits and personal gain. The people using what they have, where they are, to transform the world around them.

We hope these stories inspire you and demonstrate that real change starts with regular people. People like you and me.