

What does UNSUSTAIN THIS mean?


So, we might have made up the word, but we did not make up the movement. Unsustain This is a call to action wrapped in a bit of good old-fashioned Aussie sarcasm.

We were sick and tired of all the negative chit chat around sustainability. Every time the
C words come up in the media – Climate Change – the conversation turns filthy.
How does that help?

When we don’t like something, we change it. So, we decided to create a platform to share the many inspiring stories of entrepreneurs, business owners and thought leaders who are making amazing leaps in solving the world’s biggest problems.

Unsustain this is a term of encouragement. We share positive stories today to empower the leaders of tomorrow. We want to challenge you to think about your impact – as a consumer, a professional, a parent - to make better decisions, support better business and come up with better ideas to help us achieve a sustainable future.

It’s time to turn the sustainability debate on its head and challenge the status quo.

Unsustain this! Go on I dare you.